Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tim Brewer healthcare plan!

Fixing the healthcare system is easy, if I am giving the chance to explain it.

Invite me to one of your townhall meetings!

It just might be the smartest thing you have ever done!

Invite me, and allow me the chance to explain how we can fix everything.

Believe it, or not, but there is more to life, than the way we are playing it.

At one time in your evolution thought process, you knew this, because it was so normal, to noticed differnt cultures.

Now, in our culture, you have interacted with so many different cultures, that it feels normal.

I provide a culture than includes every Orb on this planet.

Human Orbs, afterlife orbs, and anyother that you want to focus on.

I offer to give you even better communication option, than any one of your phone companies can do now!

My option is better than any communication highway you are on.

My option fixes all your minor problems, because of the time factor.

If you live forever, then why not spread the bills out longer?

We can do that, with my option.

It is easier to try my experiment today, than wait a day, a month, a year, or what ever!

Thomas A. Edison tried an experiment that took exactly 10,000 tries, before he got the experiment to work.

How many chances am I allowed?



Why none?

Nobody tries harder than me, to get my 15 minutes, but I get nothing!

Rodney Dangersfield get's more respect than me.

Everything in life comes down to different directions, through different pain, and pleasure, at any given time.

My option provides a positive balance to that option, and if there is anything we need right now, that would be easy to produce, and actaully make things better, is a good idea like mine.

My option creates good paying jobs!

Maybe the rich have a better idea than mine.

Please feel free to inform us.

I know a lot of you, have low self esteem, and it is easy to flight me, just like it is easy to flight the news, but before you do, just think about this.

It's not hard to assume anything you want, I do it my self sometimes.

You can assume that I am full of it, as you try, and comperhind it, but believe me, Ido not bite!

I did not stutter!

I'm a lot like Raymond, in everybody loves raymond, except I am from dayton, Ohio.

Let's take a moment, and measure me against your smartest people.

How smart are they?

Are they smarter than me?

Can they make your life better, than me?

....I give you forever!!!!!.......

They give you a few years!

They do not allow me the chance, so you get a few years!

So I am the stupid one!!!!!!!!

I give you a free experiment!

I give you a chance to try it one day, just in case your afterlife plan don't work!

In the light is an expression, because there is light in everything.

Please feel free to go to this light that is in everything, and when you get there, usually up by the ceiling, and you are still taking in all this experience, just like us near death people had to do, and go on from there.

You can't stop, if you want too!

Near death experience people were lucky, because they got another chance!!!!!!

By experiencing something like that, you get to see everything more clearer, based on different experiences.

Yes, I have been there, and done that!!!!

I'm sorry, but you are making a mistake, every day you keep my option out of the news!

My option is more important than a 911 call.

I'm sorry, but it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Hello, anybody out there??????????????????

Where has everybody gone??????????????????

Are they all working out at L.A. Fitness, and drinking their cofee?

Tweeting this, and tweeting that, like a special type of club, that is cool, and i do believe what ever you are into is cool, just as long as it don't hurt you, or anybody else!

It has to be a good deal for everybody!


If you are into negative, then go find your negative!

Just Google it, and there you go, but if you want something better, that will add years to your life, and your figure, then I am the one to see.

Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

So what does somebody have to do, to get the chance to fix health care?

To fix the economy?

Quick review::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(time bandit actions, to prove a point:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::it takes no time to have a thought, and it takes no thought, not to think about my option, because you are not into that right now.

Just do me a favor though.

Will you promote my option, so others can decide as well!

Believe it, or not, but I just might be on to something, as crazy as that might sound!!!!!

In case i forget.

I would like to take this time, to thank ever person, who had something to do with getting me noticed.

I would like to take this time to thank anybody, who happens to stumble apon my thoughts.

I have nothing against any one of you, regardless what you believe, at anygiven time in your life, just as long, as it don't hurt you, or anybody else.

What does that mean?

If you want to join me on my adventure, then you need to let somebody know!

How smart am I?

That depends on you....

I offer to provide an option, that does have good support!

I offer to provide cheap health care, and it is all based on what Thomas A. Edison said.

Please listen to more closely.

If you are truly C.S.I. type of people, and you could do great in that field, then you need to listen to what Thomas A. Edison said.

The facts are there!

Why do i say this?

Think about this for a moment, and I will let you go.

Thomas A. Edison claimed that he use 1% imagination, and 99% hard work!

Nobody on this Earth would disagree with that statement, and all I am doing is adding to his statement based on what he said.


Even though Edison was claiming that he was only using imagination 1%, did not mean that the other 99% was not there, and during his short time in this imagination, he experienced the possibility of communicating with afterlife Orbs.

He called them the dead, but he was only working on 1%.

We know this, because he said so, and we have never had a reason to question that, until today, knowing what we now know.

Regardless how I give you this information, you are still getting the information.

If edison 1% of imagination believed it was possible to communicate with the dead, and my 99% imagination believes it as well, then that is your piece of the puzzle.

Both our inner energy believing something.

I believe if, given the chance, I can make this work!!!

I also believe, if not given the chance, that somebody else will make it work first!

Anybody having a problem with China doing it first?

During the Clinton administration, I believed that there was a BrainGate Machine in China, even though they are not for sell in america!

I guess it is O.K. with you, to out source our afterlife communication option?

Who gets to be big brother first?

Wait around long enough, and it will not be your option to decide.

My option is your best chance, against the media worst case scenario for the year 2012!

We can bicker on the details anytime, but we can not wait on this option, because we need to do it before the year 2012!

Is my option part of the last few pages of our legacy, or does it play a bigger role than that, and if we get on the stick, and started adding value to that, then I must be stupid!

I must be stupid to inform you about so many measurable things, that has no holes in them, and you have nothing, making me look politically correct.

What do you think?

Too much emotions?

You got something better?

So what are you following, when you are not here?

Health care problems?

We already talked about that.

what else is on you to do list?

I am your one stop shop, when it comes to getting value, for free!

I offer a concept, second to none, with no obligations, safe, and free.

Please feel free to join!

inform all your freinds.

It is now politically correct, to talk about my option.


Will you be judged?

Do you know some people who would judge you?

My option is to grow, as some people's option, is to control.

"You can not grow up, if you are controlling how you are growing up"

What do I mean by that?

Either you are in your natural nerd thoughts, or you are in a growing state, through different tools, like emotions, picky, detailed, controlling, and every one of these different emotions serve a purpose, but not alone.

Every helping Orb, is a helping Orb!

Every helping hand now, is helping an afterlife Orb.

One day, it will be you!

I'm sorry, but we are not getting any younger.

Either you are with us, or you are against us, but somebody has to do it, so why not all of us together?

What else do you have to do?

I will be back, how about you?

I care, how about you?

I see your image one day, even though you don't.

there is nothing wrong, if you were wrong about this in the past.

I understand.

I was just like you, until I did my home work correctly about this option.

Peope do get excited about their fish finders, and house make overs, but what about your eternity?

How did the doctors trick you out of that one.

You sure don't want to be called stupid some day, because you let me get away.

imagine for a moment, that you wre an afterlife Orb.

Who are you going to listen too?

You have no ears.

You smell a rat?

You have no nose!

You will talk your way out of that?

You have no mouth!

Would you like me to go on?

You really need to decide real soon, if this a good deal or not.

You know how people like to talk.

My option could not get any more exciting than the town hall meetings you are having now.

I would like to think that i would be a vacation, after all that stuff!

Who wants to find me in the next 24 hours?

Who wants to find me in the next 60 minutes?

I have always provided 20 minutes, or less!

Quick review:

No obligations!
You can not win, if you do not play.
Might learn something!

Here I am to save the day!

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